Productions and Presentations 2015- 2022
January 9, 2022
A virtual Presentation “When Things Fall Apart: a play in English on the family dynamics from the Mahabharata by JustUs Repertory with a discussion with Dr. Gowri Ramnarayan and humanities scholars from North America.
November 21, 2021
“Good Trouble” a performance collaboration between Kalapriya & the Chicago Children’s Choir on the leaders of movements for justice and equality with messages of nonviolence & compassion. Music & narration.
November 14, 2021
A Diwali Celebration of Dance and Music by Kalapriya Artists
October 2021
A Workshop & Work in Progress Performance “She is Auspicious” : The dichotomy of the Indian Goddesses and their lives today. A sole performance by Ms.Mythili Prakash, leading Bharatanatyam dancer of North America. With a female ensemble of musicians
September 19, 2021
A virtual Performance. The Sufi Gospel Project. A blend the many voices of faith, to create one universal voice. By Ms. Sonam Kalra
August 15, 2021
A virtual discussion “Drawing the line & Connecting the Circle: Partition in South Asian Art” with Dr. Siddhartha Shah, Peabody Essex Mueum, Salem MA; Dr. Zerha Jumabhoy, The Courtauld UK. Dr. Gunneta Singh Bhalla, Founder, The 1947 Partition Archines
A virtual performance of “Journey Through South Asia”: A journey of Music, Dance, stories and explanations of four regions of South Asia, crossing regional and national boundaries.
July 9, 2021
A second staging of the below performance at Galewood Park
“Journey Through South Asia”: A journey of Music, Dance, stories and explanations of four regions of South Asia, crossing regional and national boundaries. An in-person evening performance at Women’s Parks and Gardens
June 20, 2021
Kalapriya Students Annual Showcase Music, Dance & Dance Drama by Kalapriya artists
May 16, 2021
The Visionaries: Three Indian Filmmakers of Global Relevance: Rithwik Ghatak, Mrinal Sen & Satyajit Ray
April 18, 2021
Introduction to the Classical Dance Styles of South Asia. Performed by artists in North America
March 7, 2021
Role, Status & Power: the many identities of Women in Indian Visual Culture presented by Dr. Nalini Rao, Soka University of Los Angeles
February 21, 2021
“Ethical Dilemmas” in the Mahabharata. A discussion by Scholars Dr. Gowri Ramnarayan & Dr. Srikanth Reddy along with Jurists Daniel Epstein, Arjun Jaikumar.
January 31, 2021
When Words Fail, Music Speaks: Remembering Mahatma Gandhi & Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through music produced and performed by Dr. Bertie Kibreah & Ms. Minu Pasupathi
November 2020
A Virtual Presentation
Understanding Diwali for all
October 2020
A Virtual Presentation
The Role of the Chakhra in Gandhi’s philosophy
A Virtual Celebration of a Navaratri for all
September 2020
A Webinar with Author Tony Joseph
Early Indians: Who Were Our Ancestors and Where We Came From
Virtual Presentation
City Jazz Presenting Anjali Ray
August 2020
Virtual Presentation of Dance and Stories
Ahimsa: The Power of Non Violence the Birth of India
January 2020
Remembering Rev Martin Luther King Jr.
A collaboration with the Chicago Children’s Choir
Oct - Nov, 2019
Kalapriya Festival of Contemporary Indian Performing Arts Character is Leadership
Celebrating the 150th year of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth.
Arts in the Dark Parade
Kalapriya Dancers lead a float in a Gandhi’s community Dance.
The Birth of India: 1919- 1947
A Dance Drama in four acts showing the evolution of Gandhi’s leadership in
India’s independence movement
Curated, composed by Priya Venkataraman
Choreographed by Priya Venkataraman & Ahila Vigneswaran Performed by Kalapriya Academy Dancers
Anthropocene: Totally Planned & Completely out of Control
Human activity is the dominant influence on climate Composed, narrated, choreographed & performed by students of the School of the Art Institute
Andy Giovale, Bhavna Chandramouli & Emma Garthwaite
I Sing for Change: Gandhi’s global message
A story of Justice, Equality, Compassion and Peace
Narrated by Gowri Ramnarayan, rendered by
The Voice of Chicago Ensemble Chicago Children’s Choir
May 2019
Modern South India: Book Release Rajmohan Gandhi
History of South India from 1700- 2010
In Conversation with
Gowri Ramnarayan: Journalist from India Adam Roberts, Midwest Correspondent, The Economist
October 2018
Kalapriya Festival of Contemporary Indian Performing Arts
A display of the canvas of contemporary Indian Performing Arts
Yashodhara: The Wife of the Buddha. A Dance Drama The Buddha’s wife was a single mother abandoned by the Nobel One. Presenting the story of the Buddha in her voice, Ramnarayan makes this a story for our time. Script, Direction, Choreography & Music by Gowri Ramnarayan
Dance Choreography & Dance by Mythili Prakash Vocals by Sushma Somashekharan
Water Lilies: A Trilogy of plays in English
In each play, two strangers, a man & a woman, claiming different racial origins, meet accidently in public spaces in the US. As they share confidences and spill secrets, their casual encounters trigger deep reflections: Can serenity be reached in a brutal world? Script, Direction and design by Gowri Ramnarayan Actors Ahila Ramnarayan & Johann Chakko
Bring me Home: A Jazz set by Anjali Ray
A concert exploring being a woman in today’s America. Anjali Ray’s musical journey combined with her political awakening in the Trump era. A powerful of message for the resistance that takes her from Apathy to Activism
September 2017
Ragamala Presentations by Kalapriya
Ahimsa: the end of Violence: Dance Drama Choreography Priya Venkataraman, Music by Shiv Subramaniam & troupe Dancers: Priya Venkataraman and The Kalapriya Academy
Sanctuaries: Stories of Refuge by Mythili
Prakash & Aditya Prakash & troupe Overlaying animal allegories with stories from the Holocaust when Jews were given refuge.
Evolution of Songs from Indian Films 1930-2017
Anjali Ray, Anis Chandnani & Rishi Thakkar Music in the films started with Classical music using classical ragas. This curated 87 years journey highlights the use of specific classical ragas in the most popular songs from Bollywood.
Shiv Subramaniam in Concert
A traditional Carnatic music set with the use of the classical music of Maharashtrian Abhanga style
A Vedic Chants Awaken Lord Venkateshwara at Dawn
Conducted by Ms. Ahila Devi Vigneswaran, Performed by the conductors of Chicago Children’s Choir At sunrise under the stain glass dome of Preston Bradley Hall
May 2017
Ahimsa: the end of Violence: Hari Katha by Shiv Subramaniam & Aditi Sriram
Created to address the futility of violence. Three stories from Greece, North America, and India show the sources of violence: the never-ending cycles of anger and revenge, seeking an elusive justice. The role of society, the justice system, and personal responsibility
December 2016
MS. Subbulakshmi: 100 Years:
Curated and created by Gowri Ramnarayan Narrated and sung by Chicago area artists young and old
June 2016
Songs of the Blue God
A Dance by Priya Venkataraman
The Blue God is Krishna the wise and joyful character from the Mahabharata. A beautiful naughty child, a romantic playful companion to women and a brave and stoic guide to Arjuna in the Great War (The Mahabharata)
April 2016
Loyalty in the Ramayana a Hari Katha by
Shiv Subramaniam and Aditi Sriram
The Epic Ramayana is a complex tale with many characters who face dilemmas of justice & morality. The artists draw out the complexities of choices made by the characters as they face the issue of loyalty and trust. Their presentations provide opportunities for discussions. Presented twice to an adult and to a teen audience.
Navarasa: The Mahabharata as narrated by Draupadi:
Druapadi is the unexpected heroine in the Epic Mahabharata. A feisty strong woman, she is constantly prevented from achieving her full potential, just because she is female.
Aham Sita: I am Sita
Produced Directed and Narrated by Gowri Ramnarayan and performed by Vidhya Subramaniam The Ramayana as narrated by Sita.
November 2015
Anjali Ray & Band in Concert
Anjali Ray is an artist of reflecting on her journey as an Indian American. She brings Hindustani and Jazz influences to her music. The concert was a first presentation to Chicago after being nominated for a Grammy as a soloist.
October 2015
The Spirals of Shiva: a Hari Katha by Aditi Sriram & Shiv Subramaniam
An Indian Story telling art form. A raconteur enlivens a simple story with song, philosophy scripture and humor. In this story we explore Shiva, His powers, his wisdom and his humanity.
Satyagraha, The Power of Truth
A dance production between Deeply Rooted Dance Company and Kalapriya on the activism of Mahatma Gandhi and Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.
May 2015
Rules of the Underworld: A Hari Katha by Aditi Sriram & Shiv Subramaniam
An Indian Storytelling art form. A raconteur enlivens a simple story with song, philosophy scripture, and humor. In this story, the artists intertwine the stories of Yama the Hindu God of death with that of Yades from the Greek myth.
April 2015
India’s Daughter: Documentary, Dialogue & Dance
A documentary film produced, written & directed by Leslee Udwin for the BBC. This was the first time this film was viewed in a public setting in the USA. The film is based on the 2012 Delhi gang rape and murder of 23-year-old Jyoti Singh who was student. In New Delhi. Leslie Udwin addressed the audience by skype to answer questions. Panel Discussion on rape and its treatment in Indian, Latin America and USA.
Participants: Niala Boodhoo, Host on WBEZ, Chicago Public Media Neha Gill, Executive Director, Apna Ghar Lubia Nuñez-Montelongo, Community Educator - Sexual Assault Program, Mujeres Latinas en Acción Diana Newton, Executive Director, Porchlight Counseling Services