From Darkness to Light | Birth of India
Birth of India chronicles Mahatma Gandhi’s signature achievement in the creation of the nation of India, It is a Dance Drama created in collaboration with artist Priya Venkatraman. The voices of the many poets, musicians & civic leaders fighting to free the subcontinent from British rule are used to bring this story to the stage dramatizing the first and most important success in the change from colonial rule in the world. It is a 4-act dance drama where each act signifies a particular event/ Gandhian idea that drove the freedom struggle.
The Birth of India | Participants:
Dancers from the Kalapriya Dance Academy
Narration from the writings of Mahatma Gandhi’s Grandson Dr. Rajmohan Gandhi
Creator and choreographer: Priya Venkatraman
Music composition: K. Venkateswaran
Rhythm composition: Satish Krishnamurthy