Become a Sponsor

Kalapriya Center for the Indian Performing Arts is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit.
We offer various tiers of sponsorships that have attached benefits as a thank you for your support. They are listed as follows:

Tier 1: Bronze
Sponsor Amount: $500
(Includes brand mentions plus two $150.00 tickets)

Branding includes:
■ ½ Page mention in the event program (on the inside)

■ Recognition our website (on the event page)

Tier 2: Silver
Sponsor Amount: $1000
(Includes brand mentions plus four $150 tickets)

Branding includes:

■ ½ Page mention in the event program (inside)

■ Recognition on social media (with all Silver sponsors)

■ Recognition on the website (event page)

■ Mentioned in the email newsletter

Tier 3: Gold
Sponsor Amount: $2500
(Includes brand mentions plus ten $150 tickets)

Branding includes:

■ Full page mention in the event program (on the inside)

■ Recognition on social media (with all Gold sponsors)

■ Recognition on the website (on the event page)

■ Mentioned in the email newsletter

■ Mentioned during the event

Tier 4: Platinum
Sponsor Amount: $5000
(Includes brand mentions plus fifteen $150 tickets)

Branding includes:

■ Full page mention in the event program (back cover)

■ Recognition on social media (individual event sponsor spotlight)

■ Recognition on the website (event page + main page)

■ Mentioned in the email newsletter

■ Mentioned during event

■ Banner recognition (x4)

Please select your sponsorship options below: