Center for Indian Performing Arts

Kalapriya Center for Indian Performing Arts presents India’s artistic diversity through performing arts that preserve traditional South Asian art forms, and that build bridges between the performing arts and our contemporary lives.

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 “I am absolutely in awe of the effort Kalapriya is making to widen out its brief having been moved by this film to the degree that it has. To actually move forward and encompass more than dance and culture, because culture is what we are talking about. Anybody who cares about culture needs to address this issue of violence against women. And in being this versatile in your thinking, this open to change, you’re changing your own brief about what Kalapriya does and is doing, you’re encompassing something that is of the now. And that in itself is an active movement of generosity and commitment to change. So, my complete respect to Kalapriya.”

Leslee Udwin

Director and producer, India's Daughter

